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Vision, values and behaviour

Mission statement

Our school is a unique, happy, and special place nestled within the heart of the community. It is a haven where children feel safe, loved, and supported as they grow and develop into confident and successful individuals. We are fully inclusive, promoting acceptance and understanding of each individual's strengths and needs.

We believe in the importance of nurturing each child, encouraging them to take ownership and responsibility for themselves and each other. By providing an aspirational and experience-rich education, we ensure our children thrive and reach 'beyond expectation'.


Our children are incredible. Our vision for them is to excel in all areas, from personal skills to academic achievements. This is our goal for every child.

We are able to achieve this vision by providing them with a safe, enticing, and friendly environment where they can engage in hands-on experiences. They are given learning experiences that are relevant to their wider life and interests. We encourage them take pride in all they do, and in being part of our community. We support children in becoming numerate, fostering an increasing understanding of numbers and mathematical concepts. We assist them in becoming fluent readers who can comprehend texts, and we guide them in becoming creative, and capable writers.

Our Values

To support our pupils to grow into confident and successful individuals, we constantly refer to our school values of Character and Community. Our intention is that by practising our routines and showing our expected behaviours, every child lives out these values. 

Our reward system embraces our values, and children win points and certificates for showing positive Character and Community participation. 

Studley Green Behaviour Charter

Our aim is for the school to be a safe environment in which all pupils can learn and reach their full potential. We want to ensure that children experience a consistent and clear response from all the adults in school so that inappropriate behaviour is minimised and learning can take place without disruption. This Behaviour Charter outlines some of the key areas of our Behaviour Policy, which can be read in full on our website.

Our Studley Green Code

As a school, we have created a set of rules for everyone to follow. We call this the Studley Green Code:

  • Be kind

  • Work hard

  • Act safely

  • Move calmly

  • Show respect

Staying on Green

All classes use a traffic light behaviour system. All children start the day on green and we expect that they will remain on green all day by following the Studley Green Code. If a child is moved to amber or red, they will miss some of their break time but can work their way back to green once the sanction has been completed. Children who consistently show good behaviour are rewarded with praise, stickers, certificates and ribbons.

For more information, please see our Behaviour Policy.